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DSF Weekend Surprise: US Polo, City Centre Deira

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DSF Weekend Surprise: US Polo, City Centre Deira

Dubai Shopping Festival brings you the BEST Weekend Surprises! Every Thursday, Friday & Saturday, one special store in one specific mall with give away jaw dropping discounts!

Today’s Deal: US Polo celebrates Dubai Shopping Festival with an incredible offer with buy one and get three free.

About US Polo Assn:

Founded in the U.S. in 1890, U.S. Polo Assn. is the administrative unit of the horse polo sport in the U.S. and Canada, and its missions are bringing the polo fans around the world together and create a U.S. Polo Assn. team that is loyal to and loving the sports. The U.S. POLO ASSN., included within Aydınlı Group in the year 1997, is represented by Aydınlı Group in 50 countries, including Turkey today. In addition to its women’s-men’s-children’s apparels and underwear, accessories, shoes, leather products and the other similar products of the U.S. POLO ASSN., its home textile, promotion group, swimwear, etc. collections are under the licensed management of Aydınlı Group. In the region where it is represented by Aydınlı Group, the U.S. Polo Assn. has 277 stores globally, 152 of which are located in Turkey.

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  • HiDubai lists deals around the city and it holds no responsibility on any promotion related matters